
Join TWG

The Texas Woodcarvers Guild is an organization dedicated to promoting the art of Woodcarving. We are a Texas Non Profit organization, but have members throughout the U.S. and Canada. Our emphasis is on Fun, Fellowship, and Education. The TWG has affiliated Carving Clubs throughout the state of Texas and can help you find a club near you.
Contact Details
Website Login
Your email will be your username. Your password must be at least 8 characters and contain at least 1 capital letter, at least 1 lower case letter, at least 1 number, and at least 1 symbol.
Family Members
You can add family to your membership as social family members or carving family members.
Carving Family Members
They can attend crafting and non-carving seminars. They will be emailed to create an account to be able to register for these types of seminars.

Social Family Members
They can attend events, but do not carve or attend non-carving seminars.

Cost to join is $25.00 annually for an individual or family. A lifetime membership costs $300.00.

TWG Bulletin Board


Ginger Seurkamp celebration of life service is this Saturday, March 22 at 11 AM. The service will be held at White Bluff Chapel. White Bluff is a gated community. The Chapel is within the community. If you Google White Bluff Chapel, it will give you the directions and the address of the chapel. When you come to the guard at the gate, just tell them you’re going to the chapel for Ginger’s service and they will let you through. The service starts at 11 will last about 45 minutes and they’ll be reception after in the fellowship hall along with food. The fellowship hall is attached to the church. Look forward to seeing you.
Thank you
--------3/18/2025 DanGillen

Our current and past newsletters are now available here on the website!  Go to About, then Newsletters!
----------- 02/25/2025  April McNulty

We are saddened to announce the passing of Jack Price, former president of the Guild, founding member of the CCA, and an inspiration to the carving world through his books and teaching.
----------- 12/10/2024  Alan Heuston

With deepest Sorrow and sympathy we regret to infom everyone of the passing of Ginger Seurkamp. Please keep Harry and their family in your thoughts and prayers.
----------- 11/24/2024  Alan Heuston

Harry Seurkamp's seminar for "Cowboy with Duster" is full.
Harry still has room in his "seminole" Kachina Doll seminar.
----------10-03-2024, Frances Winter

It is with deepest sympathy that I have to announce the passing of Louise Stevens, wife of Johnny Stevens. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers!