Years 11 to Present


Vice President:         
Secretary/Show Chairman:  

Wayne Jarvis
Lem Smith
George Vaughn

Bill Martin
Tom Blount
Vera Brunk
Jack Price
Richard Spinney
Jimmy Stewart (Show Chairman)
Rose White
Herb Jancek

Spring Roundup was held at Lady Bird Park in Fredericksburg on May 27 thru May 2.. There were 56 classes scheduled. It was largest rally to date with instructors and students.

Jimmy Stewart was Show Chairman for the September 10,11,an 12, State Show. Best of Show was Gary Batte, peoples Choice, Wally Leuth.
Open Winner of the Whittling contest was Robert Miles.


Vice President:         
Secretary/Show Chairman:  

Lem Smith
Joe Sam Hays
George Vaughn
Richard Spinney
Bill Bayless
Bill Martin
Danny Reb
Steve Schooler
Roy Waterhouse
John Norris
 Herb Jancek

1999 marked the year that the TWG carving events were moved to the Gillespie County Fairgrounds to accommodate our large membership. The Pioneer Pavilion at Lady Bird was used for crafts. Classes were held April 25 - May 1, 1999, there were 57 classes scheduled.

The Whittling contest winner for 1999 was Jon Nelson.

The State Show was held in Waco, Texas in September of 1999. Club competition for Best table was started this year.

Carving classes were held on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. There were 29 instructors teaching 39 classes to 158 students. The show opened on Friday and ran through Saturday. This was the first year forthe live auction. $1,960.00 was taken in.

It was announced that the 2000 Show would be in Fredericksburg. Brazoria County Woodcarvers won the first Club Table Best Table Award. There were 4 entries. Best of Show went to Bill Buckler and Peoples Choice went to Phil Brannan


Vice President:         
Secretary/Show Chairman:  

Lem Smith
Jo Sam Hays
George Vaughn
Richard Spinney
Bill Bayless
Bill Martin
Danny Reb
Steve Schooler
Roy Waterhouse
 John Norris

The Spring Rally was at Lady Bird Park April 22-29, 2000 there were 58 instructors slated to teach 110 classes to 371 registered students.
George and Charlotte Vaughn received the C Max Award. President Awards went to Glorene Leuth, Louise Stevens and Ray Upson.

Pete LeClair won the Open class of the whittling contest

There were 26 craft or non-carving classes, with 15 instructors and 219 students.

The fall rally was late September and Show on October 1. 41 instructors taught 48 classes to 220 students. 300 members attended the BBQ Dinner Saturday night. Benny Earl Johnson was the auctioneer we raised $1,800.00. The auction was held in the tent as twilight dwindled automobile headlights were turned on to finish the auction.

The show had 48 tables and 275 carvings were entered into competition.

Bill Buckler again won Best of Show. Harry and Ginger Seurkamp one Best Table and Brazoria County Woodcarvers won Best Club Table.
George and Charlotte Vaughn purchased the Tool Box from Dee and Alice Gibson.


Vice President:
Show Chairman:

Joe Sam Hayes
Robert Miles
Ken Kilpatrick
Richard Spinney
George Vaughn
Bill Bayless
Bill Clark
Danny Reb
Steve Schooler
Roy Waterhouse
John Norris
Bill Pintsc

The Spring Rally was held April 22-28, 2001 at Lady Bird Park In Fredericksburg. There were 52 instructors, teaching 110 classes to 382 students. There were carvers from 21 states and 1 from Sommerset, England.

The winner of the open Class Whittling contest was Dave Stetson

There were 22 non carving classes with 14 instructors.

Lem and Mary Jo Smith won the C-Max Award. President Awards went to Stuart and Bobbie Whiteside and John Norris. There were 3000 raffle tickets sold for 216 items. Amount raised unknown

Louise Stevens and Harry Seurkamp was elected new directors.

In August of 2001 TWG had $62,927.64 in the Treasury.

The Fall Show and Carving Rally was held in the Exhibit Building of the Gillespie County Fairgrounds.

This paragraph will be completed when we can locate a December 2001 Edition of the Texas Carver.


Show Chairman:

Joe Sam Hays
Robert Miles
Ken Kilpatrick
Richard Spinney
Harry Seurkamp
Rita Ryser
Bill Bayless
Bill Clark
Danny Reb
Steve Schooler
Roy Waterhouse
John Norris
Bill Pintsch
Glorene Lueth
Preston Smith

The TWG Spring Round-Up was held on April 28 to May 5 , 2002 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds. 52 instructors signed up to teach. Jerry Rosser who had signed up to instruct died in February 2002 he was 77. 50 instructors taught 108 classes to 450 registered carvers. There were carvers attending from 17 different states. The raffle netted $3,150.00.

The Whittling contest was hosted by Dave Stetson and the championship was won by Phil Bishop.

The non-carvers had 15 instructors and 222 students doing various crafts.

New officers were elected Pres. Robert Miles, Vice-Pres. Ron Davis, Sec. Ken Kilpatrick, Treas. Buel Pearson. Directors, Jim Meiner, Mitch Haller and Charles Brooks.

President Awards went to: Robert & Cindy Miles, Bill Martin, Bob Porter, Benny & Joyce Brown Harry Bissonet, Bill Pintsch and Glorene Lueth. The C-Max Award went to Wayne & Trudy Jarvis.

The Fall Show and Classes were held September 22-28. The Classes had 33 instructors teaching 250 students. The Classes and show were held at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds. Those attending came from 11 different states.

The show this year had a charitable theme. Members of the TWG carved 575 ornaments to be placed on a 6Ft. Christmas tree to be raffled off with the proceeds going to New Horizons School and the Historical Society of Gillespie County. Tickets were sold at the show and will be sold until December 14. This Raffle made $6,100 which was divided to the two organizations. Brazoria woodcarvers sold 1403 tickets.

There were 58 tables and 9 club tables at the show. Judges were Kurt Curtis, Richard Finch and Jack Portice. Phil Brannan won Best of Show, and Gary Batte won the Exhibitor Award. Brazoria County Woodcarvers won the Club Award for the fourth year. Charles Brooks was presented the Exhibitor Table Award.

The City of Fredericksburg was presented with a hand carved beer stein. Members who worked on the stein were: Charles Brooks turned the stein, lid and hinge, Claudie Adkins chip carved the lid, JoAn Brueggeman did the lettering, Wally Lueth carve the handle. Danny Reb did a relief of grapes, leaves and vine, Jimmy Stewart carved a relief of the octagonal Vereins Kirche. Harry Seurkamp carved the hinge and thumb lift of the lid and made the display case. Jean Simmering painted the completed carving. It was presented to the Mayor at the awards dinner.

Lem Smith served as auctioneer, the auction raised $2,700.00.

Dallas and Donna Deege purchased Cabe Enterprise and became a TWG vendor


Vice-President :


Show Chairman:
Robert Miles
Ron Davis
Ken Kilpatrick
Buel Pearson
Harry Seurkamp
Louise Stevens
Jim Meiner
Mitch Haller
Charles Brooks
Larry Stegall
Chuck Malson
Bill Pintsch
Preston Smith

The Spring Round-Up was held April27-May3,2002 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds.

58 instructors signed up to teach 130 classes to 440 students. This was the last year Ira and Jean Simmering would be with us. Non-Carvers : 12 instructors, 49 classes to 217 students.

Raffling of a Friendship Quilt raised $1,100.

JoSam and Andrea Hays were presented the C-Max Award, President Awards went to Bill Tucker, Harry Seurkamp and the Brazoria County Woodcarving Club. Two new directors were elected Bill Clark and Jim Vorderkunz. There was no record of the amount made by the raffle.

The Fall Carving and Show was September21-27. There were 35 instructors teaching 59 classes to 220 students. Dee Gipson won Best of Show and Patty Rucker Second Best of Show. The Show was judged by Virgil Kruger, Dave Dunham and Tom Nelson. The Auction netted $2,600.00 and was conducted by Larry Stanfield. This year's Show featured Two Christmas trees with 200 ornaments for the raffle. Hospice will receive the proceeds of the raffle.



Show Chairman: 
Robert Miles
Ron Davis
Ken Kilpatrick
Buel Pearson
Charles Brooks
Bill Clark
Mitch Haller
Jim Meiner
Jim Voderkunz
Larry Stegall
Chuck Malson
Bill Pintsch
Preston Smith

The Spring Roundup was help April26- May 1,2004 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds. There were 48 instructors teaching 100 classes. There was no issue to obtain addition information. Need June 2004 issue.


The fall Classes and Show was held September 20-25, 2004. The only mention of classes was 250 registered carvers and instructors. There was NO Show results announced.



Show Chairman:
Robert Miles
Sue Nolan
Gina Sprowl
Buel Pearson
Bill Clark
Lloyd Claxton
Jim Meiner
Larry Stegall
Jim Vorderkunz
Dee Gipson
Chuck Malson
Bill Pintsch
Preston Smith

The Spring Round-Up was held April 24-April 30, 2005 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds.

There were no reports in the Texas Carver about the Spring Round-Up. Dave Stetson did win the Open Carving contest.

The Fall Classes and Show was held September 18-24 ,2005 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds.

Best of Show went to Wolf Kiessling, Runner-Up Dee Gipson, Club Table Kerr County Woodcarvers, Best Exhibit Table Wayne Jarvis.

Ron Davis re-assumed the duties of Vice-President. There was no mention in the Texas Carver about class attendance or the auction.



Show Chairman:
Robert Miles
Ron Davis
Gina Sprowl
Steve Schooler
Sam Freshour
Lloyd Claxton
Jim Meiner
Larry Stegall
Walter Wharton
George Vaughn
David Sartain/Robert Miles
David Sartain/Robert Miles

The Spring Round-Up was April 23-April 29, 2006. This is the year hurricane Rita came to the Texas Coast. The Temperature was extremely high and the flies were awful. There were 45 instructors scheduled to teach 115 classes. The State Whittling Champ was Pete LeClair.

Non Carving activities were attended by 62 ladies taking 13 classes from 5 instructors.

Rossiter's Ruff-outs sold out to Randy and Pat Moore.

The Fall Classes and Show were September 24 to 30, 2006 at the Gillespie County Fair Grounds. There were 26 instructors teaching 48 classes.

The Best of Show was a male human bust, carver unknown. Second Best of Show was an Alligator (full size). Brazoria County Woodcarvers Won Best Club Table. Dee Gipson won the Exhibitors Award.



Show Chairman:
Bill Clarke
Bill Bang
Ginger Seurkamp
Steve Schooler
Sam Freshour
Michael Griffin
Adair Rucker
Carl Holdridge
Walter Wharton
George Vaughn
Robert Miles
Robert Miles

The Spring Round-Up was held April 22 to 28, 2007 at the Gillespie County Fairgrounds in the Show Barn. We had 49 instructors teaching 123 classes. There were 294 carvers. The raffle raised $2,587. Danny Reb and Wanda received the C-Max Award. Dallas Deege won the Open Whittling Contest. President's Awards were given to Ron & Phyllis Davis, Sam Freshour and Robert Miles.

The Fall Classes and Show was held September 23 to 30, 2007. The classes had 26 instructors teaching 58 classes.

NEED Oct and Dec. issues to complete the fall summary.



Show Chairman:
Bill Clarke
Bill Bang
Ginger Seurkamp
Steve Schooler
Charlie Phillips
Carl Holdridge
Adair Rucker
Dee Gipson
Ray North
George Vaughn
Robert Miles
Robert Miles

The Spring Round-Up was held on April 20-26, 2008 at the Gillespie County Fairground in the Show Barn FOR THE LAST TIME. There were 39 instructors teaching 112 classes. There was no report as to the number in attendance. There was no mention of the raffle only saying it went over the top.

The C-Max Award went to Robert & Cindy Miles, President Awards went to Diane Small, Rita Ryser and Walter Wharton.

The Board presented and the membership voted to move to Kerrville, Texas starting the fall of 2008. The Board revised the Club By-Laws. Treasurer's Report $69,506.38

The Fall Classes and Show was September 21 to 28, 2008. The Classes were held at the Guadalupe River RV Park. The Show was held at the Y O Ranch Ballroom. Judges for the Show were Bob Monroe and Steve Prescott.

Classes there were 32 instructors teaching 71 classes at the RV Park. There was no mention of number of students. The Banquet was held at the Guadalupe RV Park. There was no mention about the auction receipts.

Best of Show Richard Finch, Runner-Up Jimmy Stewart Second Runner-Up Gerald Sears. There was no mention of Best Table, Club or Exhibitor Awards



Show Chairman:
Bill Clarke
Bill Bang
Ginger Seurkamp
Steve Schooler
Charlie Phillips
Walter Wharton
Adair Rucker
Dee Gipson
Ray North
George Vaughn
Robert Miles
Robert Miles

The Spring Round-Up was held at the Inn of the Hills in Kerrville. There were 113 classes taught by 42 Instructors. The C-Max Award was presented to Harry & Ginger Seurkamp. President Awards were presented to Bill & Vera Bang and Michael Griffin. There was no mention in the newsletters of the total number in attendance or the raffle results
The Fall classes were held at the Inn of the Hills on October 12 to 16, 2009 the Show was held at the YO Ranch Resort on October 17 to 18, 2009. 33 instructors taught 70 classes.

There were pictures of show carvings, but no names to go with them.



Show Chairman:
Bill Clarke
Bill Bang
Ginger Seurkamp
Steve Schooler
Charlie Phillips
Walter Wharton
Adair Rucker
Dee Gipson
Ray North
George Vaughn
Robert Miles
Robert Miles

The Spring-Round-up was held on April 26 to May 1, 2010. There were 40 instructors teaching 97 classes. NEED JUNE ISSUE 2010 for more info.

The Fall Show was held on October 7 to 10, 2010 at the Youth Exhibition Center in Kerrville.

The Classes were held on October 10 to 15, 2010 at the Inn of the Hills. There were 35 instructors teaching 81 classes.

The Show, there were pictures of the winners but no names to go with them.



Show Chairman: 
Walter Wharton
Bill Bang
Linda Smith
Michael Griffin
Charlie Phillips
Butch Petty
Adair Rucker
Dee Gipson
Ray North
George Vaughn
Robert Miles
Robert Miles


There were two RWG Rallies held in New Braunfels in 2012 One in April and one in September.

President                    Walter Wharton

Vice President              Bill Bang

Secretary                    Linda Smith

Treasurer                     Michael Griffin

Show Chairman            George Vaughn

Directors were Dan Gillen, Butch Petty, Adair Rucker, Ray North, and Cal Stewart

Newsletter Editor was Mike Chambers.

2012 saw the TWG move to online registration and Dee Halbrook will serve as the webmaster.

The Spring event had 217 registered carvers, Walter Wharton presented president awards to Mike Chambers, Rita Ryser, Butch Petty, Linda Smith, Diann Small and Jennifer Laughlin. The C-Max Award was presented to Bill and Sandra Clarke.

The judge for the show was Steve Prescott. There are no statistics on the show since it was after the meeting.



There were two events in 2013 both held in New Braunfels..

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Joe Gallio

Secretary                    Linda Smith

Treasurer                    Michael Griffin

Show Chairman           Jon Zubus

Directors were Butch Wilkins, Butch Petty, Adair Rucker, Ray North and Cal Stewart

Newsletter Editor was Mike Chambers.

In the Spring there were 200 carvers registered for the rally and 190 attended the banquet.

Jimmy Stewart won the Gnome Carving Contest sponsored by the New Braunfels Chamber of Commerce. He won $1,500.00. Winners of the Whittling Contest were Ron Davis in Open, Valerie Clubb in Intermediate and Zane Baumgartner in Novice.

The C-Max Award was presented to Michael Griffin.  Johnny Stevens gave the history behind the award given in memory of Charlie Winstead. Dan presented President Awards to Rita Ryser, George Vaughn, and Ritha Moulder

Diann Small and Cal Stewart were elected as directors.

The fall show held in October had 100 registered carvers, 17 instructors, 41 show tables, 6 of which were club tables. 140 members attended the banquet.

The nominating Committee consisted of Jennifer Laughlin, Richard Talasek and Robert Tilton.


Then were 2 events held in New Braunfels.

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Joe Gallio/ Larry Miller

Secretary                    Linda Smith

Treasurer                    Michael Griffin / Valerie Clubb

Show Chairman           Jon Zubus

Directors were Butch Wilkins, Patty Rucker, Adair Rucker, Ray North and Cal Stewart.

Spring event (April) hosted 152 carvers, 23 instructors and 135 attended the banquet. Harry Seurkamp was put in charge of gathering the TWG history. Newly elected directors were Joe Gallio, Joe Perkins, and Michael Griffin.

Milton and Linda Smith were presented the C-Max Award

The fall rally hosted 116 carvers, 19 instructors and 106 attended the banquet.

There was a motion made that in 2016 we just have one event a year. A spring event. The motion passed by the membership.

President Awards were presented to Dee Halbrook, Harry Seurkamp, Jennifer Laughlin and James Nelson.


There were two events held in 2015, both in New Braunfels. This would be the last year we would host 2 rallies.

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Larry Miller

Secretary                    Marion Stewart

Treasurer                    Valerie Clubb

Show Chairman           Jon Zubus

Directors were Diann Small, Joe Gallio, Joe Perkins, Cal Stewart, James Nelson and Michael Griffin.

Spring carving classes hosted 216 carvers, 35 instructors and 152 attended the banquet. There were 32 new members.

Tom and Leanne Sarff were presented the C-Max Award. President Awards went to Jack Erickson, Ray Upson, Jon Zubus, Jennifer Laughlin, and Richard Talasek.

The fall rally hosted 113 carvers, 20 instructors, and 89 attended the banquet.

President Awards were presented to Sharon Talasek, Eldridge Tidwell, and Stan Richards. Bobbie and Delores Gonzales received their Life Member Badges.



May of 2016 was our first one event a year held in New Braunfels.

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Larry Miller

Secretary                   Marion Stewart

Treasurer                    Valerie Clubb

Show Chairman           Jon Zubus

Directors were Ray North, Joe Gallio, Joe Perkins, Cal Stewart, Adair Rucker and Michael Griffin. Bill Moulder would later take over for Cal Stewart (brain Tumor). Note we lost a good man.

There were 29 instructors and 158 carvers. The show was judged by Charlie Phillips and Carolyn Halbrook.

President Awards were presented to Larry Miller, Jackie DeHon, Marion Stewart, and Cal Stewart. Michael and Barbara Edwards were presented their Life Member Badges.



Cleburne hosted the 2017 Rally.

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Alan Heuston

Secretary                   Helen Haverman

Treasurer                    Valerie Clubb

Show Chairman           Jon Zubus

Directors were Jennifer Laughlin, Joe Gallio, Joe Perkins, Adair Rucker, Michael Griffin and  Bill Moulder

The show had 37 tables, 9 of which were club tables. There were 130 entries, 64 of those were club entries. There were 28 Instructors, 138 carvers and 110 attended the Banquet. There is a possibility that we could establish a TWG Woodcarving Museum in Cleburne at the JN Long Art Complex. There would be no charge and no overhead. TWG would just have to supply the shelving.

Nominations: Michael Griffin, President, Valerie Clubb, Treas., Bill Moulder & James Nelson, directors.

C-Max Award was presented to Bill and Vera Bang. Jack Price was present and spoke on the award he created when he was the second president of TWG. President Awards were presented to James Nelson, Jennifer Laughlin, and Harry Seurkamp.



Cleburne hosted the 2018 Rally.

President                    Michael Griffin

Vice President             Alan Heuston

Secretary                    Helen Haverman

Treasurer                    Valerie Clubb

Show Chairman           Robert Rangel

Directors were Jennifer Laughlin, Joe Gallio, Joe Perkins, Adair Rucker, James Nelson, and Bill Moulder

The show had 35 tables, 9 of which were club tables. There were 128 entries, 69 were club entries. There were four carving classes held during the show. The were 101 carvers and 22 instructors. Alamo Carvers won the Club Championship.

C-Max Award was presented to Dallas and Donna Deege. President Awards were presented to Valerie Clubb, Helen Haverman, Butch Petty, and Harry Seurkamp.

The TWG Woodcarving Museum officially opened in April of 2018. 100 attended the ribbon cutting.



This would be the last year Cleburne would host the TWG Rally.  In, 2020 the Rally will be held in Kerrville.

President                   Michael Griffin

Vice President            Donnie Stephenson

Secretary                   Helen Haverman

Treasurer                   Valerie Clubb/Harry Seurkamp (2 years 2020-21)

Show Chairman          Robert Rangel

Directors were Carol Heuston, Bill Bang, Joe Gallio, Bill Moulder, Bill Clarke, and James Nelson.

The show had 33 tables 5 were club tables. There were 131 entries, 59 were club entries. The Chapel Chippers from Whitney, TX won the Club Championship. There were 21 instructors and 141 carvers. There were 20 new members.

C-Max Award was presented to Adair and Patty Rucker. President Awards were given to Robert Rangel, Alan and Carol Heuston, Jack Erickson, Bill Bang, and Ronnie Zint.

2021 and 2022 CANCELLED Covid-19

Valerie Clubb was elected to the office of President and Harry Seurkamp was elected Treasurer at the meeting in 2019.

The year 2020 produced many unexpected situations. Valerie Clubb the newly elected President had to resign for family health and personal reasons. Donnie Stephenson V.P. appointed Dan Gillen to serve as President.

COVID-19 put a halt to all scheduled TWG functions. Board meetings were conducted by telephone. At the end of 2020, all the officers agreed to retain their position until March 2020. New officers will be elected in Kerrville. In April of 2021 Harry Seurkamp resigned as Treasurer because of his inability to get secure Wi-Fi at his winter home. This is the busiest time of the year and he did not want to conduct banking on an unsecure network. Valerie Clubb agreed to become treasurer.

The current officers are:

President                    Dan Gillen

Vice President             Donnie Stephenson

Secretary                    Helen Haverman

Treasurer                    Valerie Clubb

DIRECTORS ARE Bill Bang, Carol Heuston, Joe Gallio, Bill Clarke, James Nelson and
Jennifer Laughlin

Coming soon later this year (2021) a new Web site.

If you see any errors in our history of TWG please report them to Harry Seurkamp.























TWG Bulletin Board


Ginger Seurkamp celebration of life service is this Saturday, March 22 at 11 AM. The service will be held at White Bluff Chapel. White Bluff is a gated community. The Chapel is within the community. If you Google White Bluff Chapel, it will give you the directions and the address of the chapel. When you come to the guard at the gate, just tell them you’re going to the chapel for Ginger’s service and they will let you through. The service starts at 11 will last about 45 minutes and they’ll be reception after in the fellowship hall along with food. The fellowship hall is attached to the church. Look forward to seeing you.
Thank you
--------3/18/2025 DanGillen

Our current and past newsletters are now available here on the website!  Go to About, then Newsletters!
----------- 02/25/2025  April McNulty

We are saddened to announce the passing of Jack Price, former president of the Guild, founding member of the CCA, and an inspiration to the carving world through his books and teaching.
----------- 12/10/2024  Alan Heuston

With deepest Sorrow and sympathy we regret to infom everyone of the passing of Ginger Seurkamp. Please keep Harry and their family in your thoughts and prayers.
----------- 11/24/2024  Alan Heuston

Harry Seurkamp's seminar for "Cowboy with Duster" is full.
Harry still has room in his "seminole" Kachina Doll seminar.
----------10-03-2024, Frances Winter

It is with deepest sympathy that I have to announce the passing of Louise Stevens, wife of Johnny Stevens. Please keep her family in your thoughts and prayers!