

Adair Rucker

Adair Rucker

Skill Level

  • Beginner
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Supplies Furnished

  • The Ruckers will provide all the painting supplies and your choice of blank. Blanks (roughouts) run $29 and up. Bring a light for painting. Note: Cost of roughouts are not included in cost of Seminar.

Supplies Needed

  • Standard hand tools/gouges, knife(s) & a carving glove is required. No power carving or wood burning is needed for this Seminar.

Carving & Painting with Adair & Patty

Adair & Patty are again teaming up for a unique carving & painting experience. This will be a full week (M-F) with them. Choosing from their Santa roughouts, you will carve with Adair for 3 days, then paint the Santa with Patty for 2 days. Standard hand tools/gouges and a knife are required. The Ruckers will provide all the painting supplies. Bring a light for painting. Costs of the 5-day Seminar is $200 + choice blanks (rough-outs) WHICH run $29 and up. For questions, contact Patty or Adair at Check out Adair and Patty's work at

Questions? [javascript protected email address]

Register for this Seminar

Seminar Skill Day(s) Cost Register

TWG dues and event registration must be paid before being able to register for any seminars.

All seminar payments are made to the instructor at the event.