

Ronnie Reed

Ronnie Reed

Skill Level

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced

Supplies Furnished

  • Blanks will be provided by the instructor at a price of $45. The total price of the 3-day seminar is $75 plus $45 for the blank.

Supplies Needed

  • Knife, different sizes of gouges, v-tools, chisels, carving glove and a possibly a light.

Cowboy Bust (caricature)

We are very happy to have someone back that has been away from the Guild for awhile. Welcome Ronnie Reed back! Ronnie now lives right here in Kerrville, TX. He can proabably carve anything he wants, but has chosen to teach a maximun of 6 students how to carve a "Cowboy Bust". The detail he gives this serious cowboy is really amazing. So take the opportunity to carve and learn from the best of the past and present----Mr. Ronnie Reed. This project will not be painted in class, but instructor will give you information on what he suggests you use. Power tools and wood burners are not needed in this seminar. Ronnie can be reached at 734 355-7655 or

Questions? [javascript protected email address]

Register for this Seminar

Seminar Skill Day(s) Cost Register
Cowboy Bust I,A A, B, C $75

TWG dues and event registration must be paid before being able to register for any seminars.

All seminar payments are made to the instructor at the event.