

Carolyn Halbrook

Carolyn Halbrook

Skill Level

  • Beginner

Supplies Furnished

  • Practice Board; also wood for project(s) will be provided to students by instructor at a cost of $2 to $65, depending on the chosen project.

Supplies Needed

  • Sharp chip carving knife, light & carving glove would be helpful.

Beginning Chip Carving

Class description for Saturday and Sunday Seminar: This will be a two-day beginner Seminar in chip carving. Saturday will be a practice board where you will learn how to hold the chip carving knife and will learn the basic three corner chip, longer chips used to make fans, thirteen borders based on the three corner chip with added embellishments, the oval chip as well as the cuts necessary to make four rosettes. Sunday you may choose a simple project, learn to transfer the pattern, and complete the project. There will be many demonstrations as well as one-on-one instruction. The only tool needed is a sharp chip carving knife. Cost: $80 for the two days. The practice board is included in the class fee. The blanks will be from $2 - $65, depending on the project chosen. Please email Carolyn at with questions. Her website is: .

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Register for this Seminar

Seminar Skill Day(s) Cost Register

TWG dues and event registration must be paid before being able to register for any seminars.

All seminar payments are made to the instructor at the event.