

Michael Duhon

Michael Duhon

Skill Level

  • Beginner

Supplies Furnished

  • All tools & supplies are available from the Instructor. This includes blanks.

Supplies Needed

  • If you have a safety glove and/or tools, please bring them. However, Mike will loan you the tools you need. Bring paper & pencil to take notes.

Beginning Carving Plus

This is a beginning carving Seminar for those who have never carved before, or those that are beginning carvers. This 3-day Seminar (Mon. to Wed.) will cover different types of carving knives, basic knife cuts, safety, use & selection of other (U & V) type tools, sharpening, character eyes and hair, sanding, and finishing (painting). The student will learn basic knife cuts, as well as learn to work with wood grain & select 1 or more different projects ranging in difficulty from very easy to more challenging. Students should have a carving either completed or nearly completed by the end of day 2 of the Seminar. Day 3 of this 3-day Seminar allows sufficient time to complete and paint a project. All tools & supplies are available from the Instructor. If you have a safety glove and/or tools, please bring them. ***NOTE: This beginner Seminar is paid for by the Guild to all new Guild members (those who have never been a member of TWG). However, students are required to pay TWG membership fees ($25) & a $25 Event Registration fee when they sign up for this Seminar***. If you are not new to the Guild, the cost of the 3-day Seminar is $30. Refer questions to Mike via email: or call him at (409) 935-8551.

Questions? [javascript protected email address]

Register for this Seminar

Seminar Skill Day(s) Cost Register

TWG dues and event registration must be paid before being able to register for any seminars.

All seminar payments are made to the instructor at the event.